


know god.
find freedom.
discover purpose.
make a difference.

know god.
find freedom.
discover purpose.
make a difference.

Roy Meadows

Lead Pastor

Pastor Roy Meadows and his wife Sharon came to the Katy/West Houston area 32 years ago with a desire to lead families to understand the joy of living a Christ-centered life. They began meeting with 38 people in the Applewhite Professional Center. And now, each week, hundreds of people join Roy and Sharon in life changing Bible study, worship and prayer.  Westland has become “the church to call home” where people become friends with each other and get to know God in a personal way. Roy has served churches in Texas and Oklahoma before coming to Westland. He grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas where he graduated from Mary Carrol High School, Del Mar Junior College and Texas A & I University with a Bachelor of Business Administration. His Master of Divinity was earned at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
Roy and Sharon have been blessed with 4 children and the new “joy of their lives”, 15 fantastic grandchildren.

Jeremy Howard, aka "goob"

Worship Pastor

Jeremy came to Westland as a youth in 1991 and we've never let him go!  He began as a youth intern, using his musical talent in the Youth Department.  Years ago he earned the nickname "Goob" at youth camp and it obviously stuck!  Jeremy shows his love for the Lord in many ways - as he leads worship in our church services, as he witnesses to the lost and definitely in how he loves his family and friends.  He continually challenges himself to expand and excel with his musical talent ... and more.  Jeremy met his beautiful and talented wife, Kristin, at Westland.  She also serves the Lord in many ways, but most noticeably by singing Sunday mornings with Jeremy and the praise group.  Their children, Brooklyn and Willie, are a never ending source of fun, energy and delight.

kyllie watts

Associate Minister to Women

I was born and raised in Australia until I met and married my husband of 38 years, Dave. I made a profession of faith at 8 years old but it was never built upon until we moved to Scotland shortly after being married. I was blessed at that time by all the ladies in our church who poured into me what Christian parenting looked like. They came alongside me and helped me grow in my own personal walk with Jesus Christ. It is my heart for the Women of Westland to love on, and pour into one another in this manner. In this way we will build strength and compassion in unity and be enabled to reach out to the women in our community who need to experience the heart, and receive the love, of our Lord and Savior through us.

Natalie Holt

Children's Minister

Natalie served at Westland as a youth intern and we are very happy to have her with us again!  Since those days, she has been led to grow and minister to children in some form or fashion.  Her desire is leading children to be transformed by the Gospel and to empower parents to be spiritual leaders in their homes.  Natalie and husband Scott are blessed with two awesome children, James and Lauren.    


associate pastor with a focus on Youth Ministeries

Codie is a former Youth Minister with First Baptist Church in Farmerville, LA.  He was next called to be the Youth Pastor for Airline Baptist Church in Bossier City, LA.  Airline then asked him to serve as Young Adult Pastor.  Codie is also pursuing his Biblical and Theological Studies at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Codie and his beautiful wife Kenzie have a sweet son, Judah, the joy of their lives!  

Meet Our Support staff

Debra Willborn

Ministry Assistant

James Tuttle

Digital Media