Training the next Generation
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Westland Kids
Westland Kids is dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ , through age specific lessons , activities, and small groups, your children birth through fifth grade will learn biblical truths and real life application. Don’t miss this great opportunity to help your children learn more about God’s Love. Check out Westland Kids this weekend!
Sunday Mornings
On your first visit, just look for the Westland Kids Check-In area. You’ll be greeted by a Dream Team Leader eager to meet your family and you will learn how Westland Kids works. We’ll be there every step of the way, right up to your child’s room, so feel free to ask questions.
9:45am In Person
A special worship time specifically for grade school children. Children will experience worshiping together with dynamic Bible teaching, high energy music and fun games. K-5th graders meet in Children's Worship, room 217, upstairs.
11:00am In Person
The morning is filled with life giving Bible Fellowship small groups for K-5th Graders. Children will start together for fellowship and games. Next, we have Large Group for dynamic Bible teaching - afterwards they are dismissed to small groups where they dive deeper into God's word with their peers. K-5th graders meet in Children's Worship, upstairs in room 217, and then split up into their small groups.
Westland Kids Midweek

AWANA is a program for children age 4 through 6th grade. We follow the KISD school year calendar. Kids learn about the Lord in a fun group environment- Handbook Time, Counsel Time and Game Time. Find out more - Contact us at or

Sunday Mornings
11:00am In Person
On your first visit, just look for the Westland Kids Check-In area. You’ll be greeted by a Dream Team Leader eager to meet your family and you will learn how Westland Kids works. We’ll be there every step of the way right up to your child’s room, so feel free to ask questions.

wednesday evenings
6:00 - 8:00pm @WBC_Gym
AWANA (Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed) is an international Bible centered program for ages 4 through 6th grade children.
Ms. Natalie – 281-392-5099 or
Ms. Michelle – 713-408-7145
Ms. Natalie – 281-392-5099 or
Ms. Michelle – 713-408-7145